Friday, February 13, 2009

Sketchbook Studies: Watercolor

Watched another Burton Silverman video from SmartFlix-this one on watercolor. He works utter magic sloshing tinted water around a sheet of paper...must work on some larger wc studies. This small watercolor study I did of Lisbeth Zwerger's Little Red Cap. My favorite of her illustrated books is Little Hobbin. Here is a talented illustrator whose work makes me think of Lisbeth Zwerger and she lives in NY state! I may have to pay her a visit. It sounds like she lives on a big farm with lots of animals that she draws. I'd also like to be a fly on the wall in the studios of Lisbeth, Louisa, Camilla, Burton, Chad, Q and Catharine....and so many others...


Annie Patterson said...

Pretty take on Lisbeth's illustration! She is one of my favorites, too. Thanks for the link to smartflix- I had no idea it existed!

sheree boyd said...

lovely watercolor. i'm a big Zwerger fan as well. :)