Saturday, July 4, 2009

Yong Chen: A Gift

Yong Chen, an MFA'er from Hartford who is graduating this summer shared this link with me so I am passing it on to you. He was also quoted in the Communication Arts article by Lisa Cyr (June 2009). Yong, in addition to many things, has written and illustrated his own children's book called, A Gift. The website is here. It truly is a wonderful story. His paintings are amazing! His own website is here. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Shirley said...

Just discovered your blog - and wanted to say that you are so talented, and thank you for the post for "A Gift" and Mr. Shen's illustrations and inspiring! As an american born Chinese, I'm trying to bring the chinese culture to my two little girls, and books like these are valuable. Thanks. Great Shaky post too..creepy, but a great take on the word for the week!